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Thin Point Fringe Necklace

Thin Point Fringe Necklace
Thin Point Fringe Necklace

Project details:

in favorites

These thin point focals are beautiful on their own or in groups. I chose to mix 2 colors I wouldn't typically mix, but I'm really happy with the result. I was originally going to use a textured antique gold cable chain, but then I saw the seed bead chain and loved how it paired so perfectly. It's funky and I love it!

Supplies you’ll need:

17"-20" seed bead chain 20" Irish waxed linen 8 thin point focals in "stone a" 5 thin point focals in "stone b" 2 4mm or 5mm jump rings to match chain & clasp 1 5mm lobster clasp to match chain and jump rings 1 21 gauge 2" head pin 1 small brass & patina bead for charm

Step-by-Step Instructions:


Step 1

Lay out your bib fringe.


Step 2

String your focals onto a cord. I used Irish waxed linen.


Step 3

As you string these into place, tie a knot at each focal. This keeps the pieces from rubbing against each other and helps the full bib arc nicely.


Step 4

Finish your bib by knotting at the ends.


Step 5

Cut 2 8.5"-10" lengths of chain. I chose the 8.5" length because it lays nicely just below my collarbone. Tie a series of knots using the Irish waxed linen from the bib to secure the chain.


Step 6

Finish off the back of the necklace by wire wrapping a small bead into a charm. Attach the charm and lobster clasp to a jump ring, then secure the jump ring to the chain on the right. On the other chain, attach another jump ring.

See Tip: Closing A Jump Ring

See Tip: Wire Wrap a Charm

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